primates in perspective

primates in perspective
List of Costa Rican monkey species - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.Jul 30, 2012. Pp 34-54 in Campbell C, Fuentes A, MacKinnon K, Bearder SK, Stumpf R, editors . Primates in Perspective. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Front Neurol Neurosci. 2010;28:63-76. doi: 10.1159/000307082. Epub 2010 Mar 26. Non-human primates: a comparative developmental perspective on.
From the reviews: "There has, until now, been no synthesis of what is known about Meso-American primates. Which is one of the reasons that New Perspectives.
primates in perspective New Perspectives in the Study of Mesoamerican.Publications - Tulane University.
Anthony Di Fiore.
Primates, niche construction, and social complexity: The roles of.
South American Primates: Comparative Perspectives in the Study of.
Frontiers | Neurobiology of human language and its evolution.
J Hum Evol. 1999 Aug;37(2):191-223. The primate neocortex in comparative perspective using magnetic resonance imaging. Rilling JK, Insel TR. Department of.
The explication of altruistic behavior in primates remains complex.. This perspective was even cited by the cooperation advocate Petr Kropotkin as evidence in.
Linda Marie Fedigan - Publications - University of Calgary.
Frontiers | Neurobiology of human language and its evolution: primate and non- primate perspectives | Frontiers in Evolutionary Neuroscience publishes articles.
Feb 8, 2012. Muscle mass scaling in primates: an energetic and ecological perspective. Muchlinski MN, Snodgrass JJ, Terranova CJ. Department of.
Primates in Perspective (2007). Average Size – .. In Estrada, A., Garber, P., Pavelka, M. & Luecke, L. New Perspectives in the Study of Mesoamerican Primates.
The primate neocortex in comparative perspective using magnetic.
Publications - Little Fireface Project.